ICT's Tool Review: News In Levels

News In Levels (https://www.newsinlevels.com/#) is an Internet platform, in which you can, as the name says, read news that are accurately selected for your English Level.

This ICT Tool is relevant to language learning because, even when it gives you news and articles to read according to your English Level, those news are based on actual news from native speakers. It is based on the NiL Method for EFL Learning; a method that helps people to "understand English fast and step-by-step". The idea when using this page, is that the learner should read one news per day, learning the words that his/her level repeats and, when he/she is ready, he/she passes to the next level, with the same news, but using different and more difficult words, in a longer writing.

In this way, this platform may be helpful to the ones who can improve on their reading abilities, and to acquire more vocabulary. This webpage can help you practise Speaking, Listening and Writing as well.


You can listen to every news or article in this web page. It is right down the written part, for you to listen to it, in every single level.

Speaking & Writing

There is a Facebook Group in which you can chat and have a Skype call with people from there. They are willing to improve on their EFL abilities too.

After the everyday news, there is a comment section, for the learners to get used to write on English.

I would use this platform with students from 5th Grade in Primary School and so on, because there are many materiales that are aimed for children, and also, it would help the teacher to work student's motivation, by selecting news and articles that would be more interesting for the students than the average text from the English Book

The only limitation I see about using this web page, is that the students who do not have WiFi connection at school or home, may not be able to use it; but this is an easy-to-solve problem, because the teacher can print the news for his/her students.


  1. I don't know why but I didn't know about this website. I think it is really useful since you can adapt the same content to different levels of English. Besides that, News in Levels brings you a lot of material to work on different activities with students. I believe I will use this ICTs tool on my future classes. I'll encourage students to go through all the levels of the same new in order to make them develop as much English skills as possible.


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